So what is REAL Healthcare? "PREVENTION" anybody?

In the United States we just assume that as a country we are number one…IN EVERYTHING. I am not sure if this is because we are arrogant or ignorant!

Right now, we are not number one in one of the most important things possible; our overall health as a country. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

Well, we ARE number one in the amount we spend on our medical care system (this isn’t close either). We spend a whopping 13.7% of our gross domestic product on medical care. Unfortunately, the money is not being spent properly. We find the health of our country in crisis and our Health Care System in shambles as well.

Though there have been numerous studies done in the past ten years rating the healthiest countries in the world, and we have done poorly in ALL of them, I am going to focus on just two of these studies.

“Let's face it, in America today we don't have a Healthcare System, we have a Sick Care System.”-Tom Harkin

In a comparison done between 13 nations in the 1998 Oxford University Press, the United States showed glaring weaknesses in its health care system. Of the 13 nations in the study the US ranked:

13th (last) for low-birth-weight percentages

13th for neonatal mortality and infant mortality overall

11th for post-neonatal mortality

13th for years of potential life lost (excluding external causes)

11th for life expectancy at 1 year for females, 12th for males

10th for age-adjusted mortality

Other interesting facts that came out of the report were:

12,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery

7000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals

20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals

80,000 deaths/year from Nosocomial Infections in hospitals

106,000 deaths/year from non-error, adverse effects of medications

Also, the World Health Organization ranked the United States 24th in life expectancy amongst 191 countries. The top ten in life expectancy, listed from top to bottom, are: Japan, Australia, France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Greece, Switzerland, Monaco, and Andorra (I have seen some studies listing Andorra number one with a life expectancy of over 83 years!).

How can you be anything but greatly disturbed by these alarming numbers?

So if REAL Health Care is Prevention, how do YOU attain this lofty, but highly attainable goal?

What are the basic components of a preventative Healthcare program that will glean Optimal Wellness Results for YOU?

Here are the basic CONCEPTS behind the lifestyle changes that will get you well and keep you well!

First of all, you have to believe like “The Father of Medicine” Hippocrates did, that we all have the innate ability to heal ourselves!

But, YOU MUST, give your body the environment to do so.

“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” -Hippocrates

What are the real Healthcare choices that you MUST be making TODAY?

1. There is only ONE correct diet…FOR YOU! (Biochemical Individuality)

2. Really want to be healthy, really? PAY MORE, EAT LESS! (Quality of Food)

3. Can’t lose fat? Get out of the test-tube mentality! (Law of Thermodynamics)

4. Understand this…Food is much more than calories, vitamins and minerals! (Context of Food, the Whole is GREATER than the Sum of its Parts)

5. Can you squat all the way to the ground? WHY NOT? (Real Movement)

6. If you TRAIN SMART you can TRAIN LESS! (Exercise Intensity)

7. Can we even cook anymore? (Fast Food vs. Slow Food)

8. Concerning nutrition…the majority of the experts are DEAD WRONG! (Being Politically Correct is so dead wrong, it’s actually killing us)

9. Our country’s approach to nutrition…killing us from the inside out! (Understanding your hormones)

10. Does our country really care about your health? Simply…NO. (All profit)

What three things should you be focusing on to keep yourself from developing Degenerative Diseases?

A. NUTRITION-You must strive to get an A on your nutritional regimen over 90% of the time!

B. LIFESTYLE-You must understand the importance of daily lifestyle choices that impact your well-being!


a. Focus: Sleep-You must value the Quality and Quantity you receive daily!

b. Focus: Sun-You must understand its daily value, but also know, too much can be dangerous!

c. Focus: Water-You must get and stay hydrated!

d. Focus: Toxins-You must avoid or eliminate them if optimal wellness is your goal!

e. Focus: Supplementation-You must ask yourself this, why supplement your diet if you are consuming the best produce and animal products that money can buy? I don’t know why either!

C. EXERCISE-You must do more than move daily, you must challenge yourself on a weekly basis!

If you focus on real Healthcare by focusing on prevention, which will develop an immensely strong immune system, you will find that:

You will very rarely frequent your doctor’s office

You won’t need prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs or procedures

You won’t need hormone replacement therapy

You won’t need to be on a supplement regimen

Your chance of having any degenerative disease will be very low if non-existent won’t be putting a HUGE amount of stress on our ECONOMY and our supposed HEALTHCARE system!!! Why?

Because people who are optimally well, don’t get sick and they don’t become diseased!

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