Fad diets are still an obsessions with this nation. Our declining health continues be proof.

The majority of America is making an effort to lose some weight or drop some body fat. Unfortunately, for many, the motivational drive is there for all of the wrong reasons. It is one thing to lose weight if you are obese, don’t feel well, or are lacking proper energy levels and want to achieve optimal wellness. It is another thing to spend excessive amounts of energy trying to get “thin” or trying to develop a physique/figure that is considered “in”.

If you are thinking about getting thin by following the fad diet "of the month" please consider your health first.

If you have read food-first-wellness before you will know that I believe and teach that “thin” (let alone “fit”) and “healthy” are not necessarily the same thing. You can be “thin” and unhealthy just as easily as you can be “heavy” and unhealthy (or possibly even “heavy” and healthy). We should all aspire to be HEALTHY first, and then achieve the body we desire. There is place for any kind of fad diet in a healthy persons lifestyle.

Because of this ill-conceived notion that “thin is in” and achieving this goal should be reached no matter the cost, even if it means the loss of your health, there have been numerous “diets” created, even re-created, to help you achieve “thinness”.

Let’s discuss five popular concepts for dieting that you now see being endorsed by fad diets, infomercials, your favorite rag magazine, and maybe, even by your favorite actor/actress or television personality.

Low-Calorie Diets

Fiction-By consuming fewer calories, by eating less and even skipping meals you will lose weight making you less fat and more healthy.

Fact-Yes, you will lose weight initially, but it won’t be predominately fat. Once your metabolism slows and you begin to struggle with deprivation you will then put on more weight than you initially started with.

Combined Low Fat AND Low Calorie Diets

Fiction-Not only will you lose weight by eating less, but you now consume no so-called “fattening” foods, creating either a low-carbohydrate, low-protein or low-fat diet, which will in turn decrease your likelihood to develop heart disease.

Fact-Yes, you will lose weight initially, but these results will not be long-term. The body will become malnourished without the benefits of either proper glucose, essential amino acids or fatty acids and the benefits of the function of each. Plus, the “lipid hypothesis” is a myth, don’t be deceived.

Low-Fat Diets

Fiction-Fat has a higher caloric density than carbohydrates and protein which will make you fat, plus fat is the leading cause of heart disease.

Fact-Proper high quality fat intake is essential in losing unwanted body-fat, plus it helps you to stay satiated between meals. Poor quality (rancid, altered, high omega 6 intake) fat intake is the reason behind numerous health challenges today, not just heart disease.

Low-Carbohydrate Diets

Fiction-Insulin is an anabolic hormone which causes us to be fat, so consuming carbohydrates will make us fat.

Fact-You can and will lose a great amount of WATER weight when you cut carbohydrates out of your diet. But, this weight is not fat and you are destroying your metabolism by not balancing your hormones. This will cause you to gain more fat in the long-term.

Liquid Diets

Fiction-By consuming meals from drinks and shakes you can control your caloric intake. This is a low-calorie diet where your nutrient intake comes from a genetically engineered powder or cheap low quality protein and low cost sugar product.

Fact-High quality food will never be replaced with shakes, drinks or powders. Drinking your meals creates all sorts of metabolic issues including improper digestion and insulin responses.

In time, each of the popular approaches to weight-loss above will create an environment where the body will have to eat itself up to survive. Eating a proper nutritional regimen of quality foods will BUILD YOU UP not TEAR YOU DOWN like the diet concepts listed above.

The long-term side effects of the fad diets above are: Early Death

Degenerative Disease

Autoimmune Diseases, including Lupus and Asthma

Digestive Issues, including Fungal Overgrowth and Leaky Gut Syndrome

Immunity Issues, including Colds and Fevers

Depression and Fatigue

Hormonal Imbalance Issues, including Arthritis Pain and Sleep Disturbances

Damaged Metabolic System, leading to Decreased Lean Body Tissue and Increased Fat Storage

So, how is the quality of food you are consuming? How frequently are you eating? Are you combining your meals with a balance of healthy fat, quality proteins, real carbohydrates and non-starchy vegetables?

If you, or any of your friends, are following any type of fad diet, you can be assured that the quality, frequency, and combination of the foods you are consuming are not measuring up.

What you put in your body on a daily basis may be one of the most important things you do in your life. Are you “building up” or “tearing down”?